Exercise 2: <3 months: The jumping jack game

The jumping jack game

A simple exercise to stimulate active movements in the arms and legs. The exercise is aimed at very young children, under 3 months of age, but can also be used by older individuals if the movements need to be trained. For this exercise, you need to have a nice, safe surface on which to place the child, and a few toys that the child likes.



Place the child on her/his back on a surface with a height that is comfortable for the person providing the training. This can be a changing table or other place where the child can lie safely and securely. For the youngest children, the exercise for the legs can be done during nappy changing time, to make it easier for the child to move her/his legs freely. For the slightly older child, it is recommended that toys are used that both make sounds and flash, to stimulate the child to try to reach with her/his arms and legs. For the youngest children, and the children who do not have the ability to lift their legs from the surface, a bathtub filled with water can be used to make the movement easier. Another way of making the movements a bit easier for the child is to place the child on her/his side.