Exercise 21: 1.5 years - 3 years: Sitting challenge

Sitting challenge

By enticing the child while sitting in a playful way to stretch outside her/his support area, the balance is challenged and the muscles that keep them stable while sitting are trained. The exercise is aimed at children between 1 and a half and 3 years of age, but can also be used by older individuals if the movement needs to be trained. For this exercise, you need to use a knee and a semi-soft large pillow to sit on and toys to entice with.



Place the child sitting on a selected surface. Entice the child to bend forward to pick up toys, lift them up and drop the toys at different heights. Keep in mind that, for the weaker child, it may be enough to work with the arms without weights such as popping soap bubbles. For the stronger child you can use heavier toys. There are balls available to buy that weigh between 0.5 and 1.0 kg.